In a  display of community support, high school and middle school students have come to  Rhea Valley Elementary School to help in many ways this school year.  

Holston High School FFA members came to help with our Title I Family Fun night in the early spring.  Our theme for this event was Farms Around the World.  The high school students helped with each of the planned activities during this event.  Their energy and creativity brought a lively spirit to the event, making it a memorable experience for everyone.

Throughout the school year Holston High School students have taken time out of their busy day to come and read to and with our students.  This has helped to foster the love of reading in our students.  In addition to coming to read, we recently had high school students who helped with our end of the year “Fun Day.”  This helped to make our day for the students run smoothly.  On Thursday, May 18, 2023 the HHS Seniors made a visit to the elementary school to do a pre-graduation walkthrough.  Congratulations Seniors! 

Damascus Middle students came to share books they had written with some of the RVES students.  They  presented the elementary school students with stories and poems they had written themselves.  During the spring semester, the RVES fifth graders visited Damascus Middle School for a tour.  This was an exciting event for the students.

These events serve as a reminder of the power of collaboration, inspiring students of all ages to chase their dreams, embrace their talents, and make a positive impact in their community.